Solutions / Market Research
Any consumer segment. Anywhere in the world.
No matter how niche.
Request a demo 
Get straight to the voice of your customers - with 1000s of responses in real-time.
See how we built a global insight community for the world’s largest food and beverage company.
Watch VideoAlways-on customer connection.
Instant insight direct from your
customer community - informing
every business decision.
In-store photo and video sharing.
1000s of responses in hours.
Video interviews with AI sentiment analysis.
Building customer communities for always-on insight
Build your community
Recruit communities anywhere in the world in a matter of hours, based on hyper-niche customer segments.
Tag and target your users
Auto-tag your community then target projects based on customer profiles.
Real-time, remote research
Launch insight briefs in minutes then push notify your communities, driving responses anytime, anywhere in the world.

"Bulbshare has been a revolutionary insight tool within our business – allowing us to quickly reach hundreds of consumers across our key markets and engage them in both qual and quant activities."

Paul Thomas,
Asahi Global Director, Insights,
Planning and Performance