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Hospitality customer story – Raising the bar for a leading pub retailer: How Bulbshare’s self-serve offering serves insight on tap to Greene King

Discover how Greene King unlocked fast turnaround consumer insight via Bulbshare’s DIY offering, for even more cost-effective and time-efficient research.

Fly on the wall research: The power of ethnographic observation for deeper consumer immersions

For deeper consumer realities and true empathy, insight professionals need to walk a mile in their shoes, be in their moments, and understand their contexts.

Qual Innovation Summit with Insight Platforms: Qual depth at quant scale: How global brands harness AI for research

Forget the heavy lifting. Those days are over. The AI revolution has transformed the way market researchers do their jobs.

Mind the say-do gap: Bridging the gap between what consumers do and say they do with AI led always-on customer communities

Cut through the noise with Purina, Data, Art & Soul, and Bulbshare as we discuss the power of tech-enabled research communities for more reliable consumer insight.

AI: Powering-up Consumer Insights 2024 – Bulbshare X Premier Foods

Discover how AI is revolutionising the market research industry with leading food producer, Premier Foods, and Bulbshare.

A new frontier of video research: Maximising consumer immersions with generative AI

Join Premier Foods, Greenbook and Bulbshare as we explore a new frontier of video research, supercharged with AI analysis.

Tackling Food Waste – MRS Sustainability Summit December 2023

Join Ed Ayton (Abel & Cole), Caroline Bates (Citizen Good) and Julia Brannigan (Bulbshare) to discover what a community of consumers think of the future of food waste…

Premier Foods: Giving a leading food producer the recipe to success with Bulbshare’s Post Launch Consumer Review

Giving a leading food producer the recipe to success with Bulbshare’s Post Launch Consumer Review.

ChatGPT one year later: How OpenAI generated a new era of accessible artificial intelligence

AI – it’s all everyone has been talking about since the launch of ChatGPT. And for good reason: it wields the potential to change everything we know about jobs, consumer insight, and industry as a whole. The question remains, how do we wield it?

Insight futures: The trends set to shape the landscape of market research in 2024

Join Founder of Insight Platforms, Mike Stevens and Bulbshare as we forecast the research trends that will rock the boat in 2024 and discuss how you can stay ahead of the curve in your research.