
Youth-led insights that make a difference

Putting Gen-Z voice at the heart of messaging for a sexual health charity.

+600 strong Gen-Z co-creation community across key regions in the UK.

+10,000 community insight and content pieces shared helping to shape brand messaging.

100s of video responses offering key Gen-Z perspectives on sexual health issues.


Sexwise is a guide to sexual well-being, run by the national sexual health charity FPA. They provide advice on a variety of topics, such as STIs, contraception, and pregnancy.



Bulbshare community


Use case

Insight, ideation, content


Build a 600-strong co-creation community of Gen-Z Sexwise users to share insight and content around key sexual health issues to help inform messaging and brand positioning for Sexwise. At the same time, we drive insight on the user experience of the Sexwise website, gathering feedback on the improvements and added features that our community of Gen-Z users would like to see.


Our Gen-Z community responds to in-app Briefs by sharing images, videos and written responses around their attitudes, behaviours and perspectives on sex and sexual health.

Our expert researchers reported recommendations based on the wealth of multi-format insight and content shared – with practical guidance around changes Sexwise can make to its brand positioning and the way it communicates with its audiences.

From our community outputs, Sexwise has been able to gain a full understanding of the key issues at play for Gen-Z audiences when it comes to sexual health, coupled with strong steer on the type of language and content that resonates with them – consequently building a brand and platform that has strong cut-through and meaning with its target audience.


+600 strong Gen-Z co-creation community across key regions in the UK.

+10,000 community insight and content pieces shared helping to shape brand messaging.

100s of video responses offering key Gen-Z perspectives on sexual health issues.

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